Argrim Stonehand

Prounounced: Arr-grimm

Race: Dwarf
Class: Warrior
Age: 58
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Good
Height: 4’2″

Argrim was a Wildhammer warrior who guarded his hometown in the Twilight Highlands. That was how he met his wife, Shaimina–another town guard. After many years of helping and supporting each other, the two of them got married and had three kids together.

When the Cataclysm struck, the village was attacked by a group of elementals. Argrim and Shaimina led the guards into battle against the elementals, determined to keep their home and everyone they loved safe.

They managed to beat back the elementals and save the village. The two of them were seen as heroes. Together, they traveled the world, helping fight off other threats.

As the children got older, they began traveling with their parents, helping as many people as they could. They became the brave, caring, strong dwarves that Argrim and Shaimina had raised them to be. 

The Stonehand family dedicated their lives to keeping their home world safe and helping those who cannot help themselves. And, most importantly, they did it together.