
Pronounced: Zare-eese

Race: Draenei
Class: Paladin (formerly), Monk
Age: 20,406
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Good
Height: 8’5″

Xaerys was a Vindicator on Argus. He fought to protect his people alongside his sisters and his brother-in-law. 

But, when it was time to leave the planet, his younger sister and her husband told Xaerys to bring their two daughters, Terria and Visionella, to the ship, while they stayed to fight the demons.

Xaerys and his elder sister, Vii, got onto the ship with their nieces. When they got to Draenor, they were able to settle down for a while. Xaerys and Vii dedicated their lives to keeping Visionella and Terria as safe as possible.

Visionella and Terria grew up on Draenor. Xaerys and Vii made sure that their nieces knew how to protect themselves. They taught them how to fight, just in case the Legion–or any other threats—ever caught them.

One day, their village was attacked by a group of angry orcs. A huge, bloody battle was fought. There were many casualties, both draenei and orc. Terria was among the fallen.

Many years later, as the draenei arrived on Azeroth, Xaerys continued to be filled with guilt, grief, and pain over what happened to Terria. He felt like he could have saved her. But he failed. And, after fighting and suffering for thousands of years, he was tired. He wanted to find peace somehow.

When the Alliance traveled to the hidden continent of Pandaria, Xaerys had his chance.

He met a Shado-pan monk named Illesha Leafpaw. Illesha was willing to help him heal from the pain of his past. She taught him the ways of the monk.

That was when Xaerys had decided something. He would hang up his armor for good. He was never going back to being a Vindicator.

He had found a new path.