Shallina Autumns

Pronounced: Sha-lee-nuh

Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good
Height: 5’6″

Shallina Autumns grew up in Lakeshire, hidden away from the wars and chaos around Azeroth. Her parents wanted her to live a peaceful life, without needing to worry about going into battle.

But that all changed when civilians started disappearing all over Lakeshire, when she was nineteen years old. Her father was one of the first to go. Her mother set out to look for him, but she never returned. Shallina knew she needed to find them.

A draenei Vindicator named Vii was in the area, with a group of Alliance soldiers. Shallina asked Vii to help her find her parents and teach her how to fight. Vii agreed and taught her how to wield the power of the Light, and become a paladin.

Once she finished her training, Shallina set out to find her mother and father. She knew how to fight with her warhammer. But she also knew how to heal people with her magic, which she found that she preferred doing.

Shallina, with a group of other heroes—Vii, a pandaren shaman named Ihaun, another Lakeshire citizen named Leosarus, and Doriel, a highborne mage–set out to save the lost citizens. They found them trapped in an orcish camp, as prisoners of war.

They freed the prisoners and fought to eliminate the evils that threatened Redridge Mountains.

When they won, Shallina’s parents agreed to let her continue down the path of the paladin. They were proud of her for helping save their town. For the next two years, Shallina continued her training, and became a soldier of the Alliance.