Tyrandidan Moonsong

Pronounced: Ti-ran-duh-den

Race: Highborne
Class: Priest
Age: 44
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 6’8″

Tyrandidan Moonsong grew up at a time when night elven society was suspicious of magic and her people—the highborne. Not wanting any trouble, she hid her true heritage from the world. 

Her parents had sent her to Darnassus when her home was invaded. She was very young at the time—only twelve years old. Her elder brother was with her, but died on the way through the portal. She was supposed to meet up with her uncle in Darnassus. But he never showed up. She wondered if something had happened to him.

In Darnassus, she was taken in by a priestess of the moon. The priestess did not know that the young girl was highborne. To her, Tyrandidan was just a normal night elf child who needed help. The priestess raised her, and trained her in the ways of the moon goddess.

Tyrandidan became a priestess. She even got traditional night elven markings tattooed onto her face. She still remembered her past life and who she was. But she hid it from everyone, worried that people might see her as a threat.

One day, the priestess who had adopted her found something in Tyrandidan’s room. It was the bag of her belongings that she had brought back from her old home. And one of them was a badge with a highborne seal on it. Tyrandidan’s secret was out. She didn’t like this at all.

No one was actively trying to hurt her or anything. But all of the comments about her highborne heritage eventually got on her nerves. She realized that being a priestess of the moon wasn’t her goal; she just wanted to be herself, without being mocked or feared. Life in the temple did not interest her either. She wanted to explore the world. So, she decided to leave the sisterhood, and travel to Stormwind with Illilas and Visionora.